Friday, July 9, 2010

No Honour in Killing!

Coming back to Dilli, I was prepared for some kind of a reverse culture shock, you know things that you grew up seeing but find odd once you've lived a different life. But I never even imagined I would be introduced to a term called Honour Killings in today's day and age. Simply put, some poeple who are outraged with their sons or daughters marrying/falling in love out of their caste or within the gotra (or whatever the hell it is) think the only way to protect their "honour" is to kill the lovers!

To me, the term "Honour Killing" is the perfect oxymoron. It is at best an absurd/medieval idea and at worst a gruesome crime worthy of the severest punishment possible. Where is the honour in killing?

To my dismay, Delhi seems to have become a city of crime- the newspapers and channels carry endless stories of theft, murders and what not. I've seen 2 big robberies in my own family in the last one year! Maybe the situation isn't all that bad, maybe there was always crime everywhere, it's just more in the news now. But crimes like these are universally condemned. Everyone knows it's bad to steal or cheat or kill someone, except for those handful of people who are misguided or do it out of desperation. But these so called honour killings are creating a grey area in the society and people's minds. If the perpetrators of these crimes aren't punished severely, more and more people will get encouraged to commit these horrible crimes which push us many years behind in civilization.

Why is there still no law to prevent these killings? If there is any, why is it so poorly implemented? We as a society need to ask these questions and make sure such attitudes are dealt with severely, lest people start fearing the prospect of falling in love!

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